SISCweb is a framework to facilitate writing stateful Scheme web applications in J2EE environments.
Through the use of continuations, SISCweb does away with the page-centric execution model typical of web applications (see [1].) Every time a response is sent to the browser, the program execution flow is suspended, to be then resumed from that exact point when the browser submits a request. Some consequences of this approach are:
SISCweb is open-source software licensed under the MPL, the GPL, and the LGPL.
SISCweb is based on SISC (, a Scheme interpreter for the JVM with full continuations, and is heavily influenced by other Lisp web frameworks:
A couple of initial design decisions were also lifted from Matthias Radestock's servlet code in the contrib section of the SISC CVS tree.
Also special thanks to Anton van Straaten, Dominique Boucher, Ben Simon, Dan Muresan, Felix Klock and Tony Garnock-Jones for bug reports, suggestions, and/or work in support of SISCweb.
[1] Christian Queinnec. "Inverting back the inversion of control or, continuations versus page-centric programming". Technical Report 7, LIP6. May 2001. ( )