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SISCweb Manual

The manual is work-in-progress, and is published here as it is updated. It is available in two formats:

The SISCweb manual for the version under development is also available as a single page or online browsable.


The idea at the base of continuation-based web programming is expounded in Christian Queinnec, "Inverting back the inversion of control or, continuations versus page-centric programming",Technical Report 7, LIP6. May 2001. (Also locally available in PDF.)

SISC, the scheme implementation on which SISCweb is based, has an exhaustive manual.

Two nice IDEs capable to connect to SISCweb's server-side REPL are (X)Emacs+Quack, and Eclipse+SchemeScript. The former requires netcat (also available for Windows as nc.exe), but SchemeScript has a specific option preconfigured for SISCweb.

SISCweb has its own Pet Store implementation complete with an informative writeup.

The SUnet package in the scsh scheme implementation features a continuation-based web framework to which SISCweb is inspired. The chapter on the SUrflet server, while not directly applicable to SISCweb, can serve as a nice introduction to the programming style.

SISCweb adopts the sexp-based SXML notation to represent XML.

SRFI-39 parameters are a valid alternative to session attribute for tracking state in SISCweb when not using the strict continuation-based approach (i.e. send-*/[suspend|forward].

The SISCweb SQL package makes extensive use of srfi-19, "Time Data Types and Procedures", and srfi-45, "Primitives for Expressing Iterative Lazy Algorithms".

Graphs generated through Graphviz are described via the DOTML XML language, naturally expressed in SXML notation. The few differences are documented in the DotML section of the SISCweb manual.

Feedback, Support

Comments, ideas and bug reports are welcome at:

If you have questions and you believe that the topic might be of interest to others, consider joining and posting on the sisc-users mailing list.

Thank you!

(C) 2005-2007 Alessandro Colomba -
Last updated: $Date: 2007/04/12 04:27:51 $ Logo Get Firefox!